That is a photo of Colette (my mummy cut).
Let me tell you about life, life is very interesting, well I guess you already know that but I will speak for myself, it has thrown all sorts of things in my direction and I must say most have been very good things and very good people, one of the many important people in my life is my mother and my very good friend Rosemary, I met her in Edinburgh when I worked for the NHS, brilliant times even though at the time she must have thought I was crazy, which I was truth be told. Our friendship grew stronger after I left and a few months later she retired, she has always been there for me and whenever I have needed a shoulder to cry on or someone to listen to my crazy rumblings she has always been there so thank you so much. Rosemary has really proved that you dont necessarily need to be blood related to someone to be relatives and she is just that.
I shall post some photos of Rosemary at a later stage. Mrs Rosie Smith, this is your post, I guess I just wanted to say thank you for being a good friend.
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