Thats Mande in the pic....the blashing bride, you looked very nice I am very proud of you kiddo!

Ok, Ok, Ok! I know I said I was only going to put a photo of me at least until I have lost a few stones but I just couldnt help it, I really like this photo of me...fat or not, I was so happy and it shows! My lil sis was getting married and if that is not a good reason to look yummy, radiant and fabulous then I dont know what..... enjoy!
WOW girl! This is pretty cool! I just love it when you're being 'random' as you put it, coz its so you, its so true and unpretensious. then I remember why I love having you as my friend... so anyway, what heck kind of colour is terracota anyway?! I thought its roofing sheets in Zambia lol! just kidding! I just might have a slight idea...am definately a fan of yours!big ups to yummy mummy! lv kalo
baby girl you're not big,you're cute and cuddly..all grown up and mummyish wow,this is so much fun,am loving it,love it
Sugarplum69 (I like that!) & Mnayani, thank you so much for your comments, it really means so much to me (I am crying now) I am just so blessed to you have you guys as my friends, I often wonder if other people have as good friends like I do, you guys are super dupper and I will always love....I hope you continue visiting my blog, Its about my friends and family so pretty soon you will see yourselves being bloged about...I really miss you. Take care.
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