Oh, lemme tell you about Shoka night, there was so many different types of traditional Zambian foods as well as western but you know how it is, I had to keep it real and feast on the food that I have not eaten in ages...kalembula, kapenta, finkubala, lumanda, chibwabwa, impwa, dried fish, fresh fish, chicken, beef, game meat and even crocodile (tastes like fish/chicken) It was pleasent and I would eat it again. The entertainment was great, we were entertained by traditional dancers and lekker Zambian music...awe mwandi it was wonderful and a very good introduction to George and Mum of what was to come later while staying in Zambia.
Anyway, we went to Safari Lodge for two days, It was awesome, peace and tranquility (iye can I use these two words in one sentence??? anyway you get the picture right.
My Mother in law is very adventurous, she once went to Lusaka West with my Aunt. They traveled by mini bus, it was jam packed ! you can just imagine chickens, children crying etc...the mini bus was moving side to side trying to dodge the pot holes, she could not believe the speed the mini bus was travelling at, they got to their destination safely and on their way back they had lunch at Lusaka city centre, plate of chips and sprite, we were there for a short time and there was just so much happening, matebeto for George who got up and danced with the Makishi and I must say I was so proud of him and I was happy he was having a wonderful time.
We managed to squeeze Livingstone in our trip, was there for 4 days and I only have one word to say, AMAZING!!! It was a well deserved break from Lusaka, we swam everyday, bird watching, swimming in devils poo (oh my, what was I thinking???), elephant safari, eating and more eating.
I am now looking fwd to taking the boys home, when they are old enough to understand so they can enjoy themselves (air tickets are so pricey!) So if you are you planing a trip to Zambia one must really make it worth their while and that is exactly what I plan to do. Take my boys to rural Zambia, so they can have a taste rural life....Lusaka has become like a little JHB and kids are just not growing up the way we did, playing chidunune, climbing mango and guava trees (yum yum), playing with cars made of wire (motoka yama wire), touch oh and we used to go in the bush hunting (urban bushes having nothing in them) we were just so convinced that we would find some wild animal or something...but those were good times.......People want to bring up their children the western way of life, but to be honest with you, its not even something to admire, you really have to be here to appreciate what you have back home and the natural things children have access to...making cars, climbing tress, playing house and cooking (outside, maybe under a mango tree or something) you dont have to pay to play! children playing football and there is just lots of other children to play with...you know everyone in your community and everyone knows you, I am talking about Ubuntu way of living. We dont even know or talk to our niegbours, yes I would say hi when I see them but heaven forbid something happened to me while George was away...the kids would be alone and no one would notice (HOW SAD IS THAT????!)
while I am talking about unfriendliness and the western way of life, recently a 17yr old boy /man died in his flat and was only discovered 3mnths later (only because the mail had piled up and the post man got curious). May his soul rest peace..
Ok, gotta go! happy reading!
OK, so here I thought I was special because I am a Mzungu who danced with the Makishi. I see George did the same, which prompts me to ask how often a Mzungu has been included in the dance? Any idea?
Hey Dennis, very nice to know that you danced with the Makishi...well done! I will post some pics of My mother in law as well as George dancing, very impressive actually.
To answer your question, I think Muzungu are usually included in the dance as long as they are there and willing to dance of course and it is lots of fun for us to see muzungus join in our culture.
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