Monday, 8 September 2008

Welcome! Mwaiseni

Hi everyone, welcome to my new blog, I am hoping to have nice and lovely things on my blog, from talking politics, family happenings, photos etc
Zangi is potty training now and he is really doing so well so accidents yet and he is the only person I know who has managed to have a "happy poo poo". Ok (three days ago he did a poo in his potty and it looked like it was a smiley face hence the term happy poo poo), he had me in stitches and I took a photo, I just have to remember not to show him the pic when he is 18yrs .

Likoji is 9mnths now, crawling and has 4 teeth, he is vibrant and such a happy bundle of love, I never expected to be a mum in such a short span of time. But it is a blessing none the less.

I am not doing too bad for the first entry to my new blog am I????? anyway I should go and have a relaxing bubble bath and go to be ^_^. I need my energy and inspiration if I should write exciting stories and family happenings.

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